A complimentary brief consultation appointment is available with Doctor Miller to evaluate the areas that you would like to see improved prior to treatment and questions answered about pricing.
Many options are available, and all procedures are performed by Doctor Miller herself who has extensive training and years of experience. In addition, Dr. Miller is a certified injector in Oklahoma.
These treatments are not covered by medical insurance.
Most patients that choose aesthetic procedures offered at miller health are patients at the clinic that trust Dr. Miller to do their facial injections.
Treatments that enhance beauty, diminish the effects of aging, and promote good appearance self-esteem. As with many of these options, how much money you must spend is frequently the deciding factor. Dr. Miller is highly trained and has been injecting Botox and fillers at Miller Health for decades. Of course, there are surgeries to improve the appearance like a face lift, liposuction, eyebrow lifts, and implants. However, unless you value your qualities and accept that you were made uniquely, fixing the outside rarely makes people happy or content.
Anti-aging is more than coloring gray hair, removing facial hair, buying bigger pant sizes or pants with elastic waist bands, getting fake nails or fake boobs. To get a face lift, tummy tuck, or hair transplants are more expensive ways to fight the looks of aging.
Aesthetic treatments are designed to diminish the facial effects of aging by minimizing wrinkles with Botox, collagen fillers, and facial enhancements. Dr. Ruth Miller is highly trained and experienced in injecting skillfully. If you are interested in investing in this type of defying aging, you can contact Miller Health and you will have the luxury of a physician injector with credentials, and over 25 years’ experience.
Ask about Miller Health Aesthetics
Injections of Botox help eliminate deep wrinkles of the forehead and between the eyebrows. Lines around the eyes known as crow’s feet are also reduced with Botox.
Treatments are usually every 3-4 months.
At Miller Health, Botox is not diluted or used past the 24-hour period it is active.
Botox is primarily used at the forehead.
Fillers are more for lower face enhancement.
Collagen enhancement with fillers Collagen injections to diminish wrinkles between the outer nasal region to the outer upper lips (nasal labial area) will decrease the old deep creases. Injections to thin lips will embellish and enlarge the lips.
Fillers: there are many brands of collagen fillers and different products for the specific area being treated.
Juvéderm: xc, ultra plus, voluma; restylane: lyft, silk, refyne; bellafil, rqadiesse, sculptra.
With any facial injection, there is a certain level of pain that is not horrible and topical anesthetic cream is applied in advance. Bruises are common. It is not recommended that you schedule a photo shoot or high school reunion right after your treatment. Allow for your body to heal.
You will want to know the credentials, qualifications and experience of any person that injects solutions in your face. Dr. Miller will not recommend treatments that are not appropriate for the candidate. Dr. Miller so much believes in her techniques, products, and procedures, she has the treatments herself.
There is a distinct improvement in facial wrinkles after having beneficial treatments. They aren’t cheap, but they can be used instead of expensive surgeries.
Integrity is practiced at our office so that patients can experience credible results. Dr. Miller is dedicated to helping patients feel and look better, to achieve their best health.
Ask about our Tulsa aesthetics while you are here! Her hormones replacement therapy Tulsa office are experts in the field.