FOR HORMONE DEFICIENCIES of both men and women.
Dr. Miller has extraordinary training and decades of experience with natural bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are natural, in that they have the same molecular structures that are naturally produced by our own bodies. These are prescriptions that must be hand made by a compounding pharmacy. Compounded medications are individually designed by Dr. Miller for each patient, then the pharmacist specialist formulates the prescription for a tech to make specifically for each patient. There are various ways that hormones can be taken. Commonly topical applications of cream are applied to the skin. The hormones can be safely transdermal absorbed. The formula can be easily changed if needed by Dr. Miller at the patient’s appointment. A large advantage of utilizing topical hormones is, that several hormones can be combined to benefit with twice daily or once a day application.
Females that don’t have menstrual periods because of age should not be called “menopause.” Women are not “men”, and our periods or menstruations don’t “pause."
A better title would be: “WHDA” women’s hormones deficiencies of aging.
Many symptoms that bring women for tests to determine if they need hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are mood swings, dry vagina, crying for no reason, depression or anxiety without cause, no interest in sex, insomnia, acne, increased weight especially in the middle, hair loss, night sweats, and hot flashes.
Women in menopause and women that are in the pre or peri menopause years, can benefit from quality hormone replacement. Without surgery, the U.S. average age of menopause is 51 years old. Women who have had a hysterectomy with the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes removed have a sudden hormone deficiency condition. Because some women have excessive vaginal bleeding with their periods, only the uterus, might be taken out. Because the uterus isn’t currently considered the hormone producing female organ, theoretically, there should be no hormone changes with just taking out the uterus, however, many women have hormone deficiency symptoms right away, while others have delayed changes as the ovaries decrease hormone function.
Sometimes gynecologists tell women who have their uterus removed, that they will not need hormones. That is, if the ovaries are producing adequate estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone. Women without female organs often see great benefits by taking bioidentical hormone creams, lozenges, injections or pellets.
Menopause is technically determined by a FSH- follicle stimulating hormone blood level over 20 and/or 12 months without a period.
Bioidentical hormone replacement is needed along with calcium, magnesium, and adequate vitamin d3 to prevent osteoporosis.
imbalances can happen at any age.
Some of the hormones that can be replaced are estradiol, estriol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, pregnenolone, human growth hormone (HGH).
Appropriate treatment for PMS can often be amazing for severely deficient young women. The hormone that is deficient in women that have PMS symptoms, is progesterone, the second female hormone. A female’s hormone cycle is complicated and can create unpleasant experiences when the estrogen and progesterone are not following the correct protocol. The estradiol gradually increases in the first half of the cycle from the first day of a menstrual period until about the 14th day after the first day of the vaginal bleeding. The progesterone begins to increase around the 14th day of the cycle and should peak between the 21st and 28th day of the cycle.
Unfortunately, not every girl’s cycle is on target. Sometimes hormones misbehave and cause havoc. Symptoms are usually 1-2 weeks before the period. Women who are fighting the battle of this hormone imbalance can include: irritability, tearful, tiredness, sadness, and anger, headaches, cramping, and certainly not feeling normal.
There are hormone imbalances that plague women who bleed unbelievable amounts during their menstrual period. Often this includes menstrual cramping, low energy, and anemia due to the loss of blood that is over produced for 7 days to even months.
Women that have the endometriosis disease suffer from random to constant pain in severe cases. The medical theory is a little unorthodox and punitive, making the body to do what it is not intended to do. Medicine authorities (not sure how they are identified or knighted) think that the lining of the uterus escapes retrograde through the fallopian tubes, fundibulum, and fimbria, allowing deposit of the uterine lining on the ovaries, tubes, pelvic wall, bladder and exterior of the uterus. Whatever the real cause, there is no effective treatment. The cruel prescriptions strip the woman of all hormones. The result is a young woman with sometimes severe menopause symptoms. Often, still the pain remains. At Miller Health, progesterone hormone treatment often helps the pain symptoms subside.
Post-partum deficiencies can be treated effectively and avoid grievous symptoms that some new mothers experience. Antidepressants are what most doctors prescribe for women who are severely depressed and have abnormal thinking after delivery. The real cause of a woman’s horrible low moods after delivery of her precious baby, is a severe drop in the high pregnancy progesterone hormone. Treatment with this natural hormone really helps.
Men Hormone Deficiencies
Men also have a hormone decline that is sometimes called andropause. Bio-identical hormone replacement for males is often successful in decreasing symptoms like weakness, decreased libido, heart disease, irritability, erectile dysfunction, depression, lack of motivation, and decreased muscle strength.
Men that experience problems that are commonly associated with old men are not in “menopause” or “andropause”. It should be called: “MHDA” men’s hormones deficiencies of aging. Men’s problems don’t pause or become only temporary for a while and then suddenly reproduce testosterone in abundance. Generally, once a male hormone production becomes low, it doesn’t reproduce the testosterone hormone.
If these feelings are noticeable, it may be time to do lab and check hormone levels. Some doctors say that your hormones are normal, in the lab reference ranges, but they may not be optimal.
The primary male hormone is testosterone. The testosterone hormone becomes high in a boy’s teens. Always men have decreased levels in the main male hormone by the seventies, but commonly, men experience testosterone production diminished in their 50s and 60s. However, men can have low testosterone even in their 30s and 40s. Symptoms can involve: decreased sexual interest, tiredness, less motivation, diminished muscle strength, and bone pain with loss of density.
TRT (testosterone replacement treatment) by manufactured products can cost a lot, are rarely paid by insurance, and have a very limited dosage option. Compounded lozenges and creams can be prescribed by Dr. Ruth Miller at the dosage each man needs. Testosterone is also available in pellets surgically implanted by Dr. Ruth Miller at Miller Health. Dr. Miller a lso administers patients’ shots personally. We are not able to prescribe hormone injectables for patients to self-administer at home or bring to the office for administration.
Miller Health offers bioidentical hormone pellets insertions and bioidentical hormone injections administered at the office.
Hormone Forms of Treatment Options
Bioidentical hormones are commonly prescribed by Dr. Ruth Miller and are then custom formulated by compounding pharmacies in various forms.
Hormones are usually not covered by insurance. Nevertheless, it is worth paying for. Medical insurance doesn’t pay for everything.
Bioidentical hormones for women and men are often combined for a topical application of cream to be applied in designated skin regions.
Men and women commonly achieve a consistent level of hormones with topical cream.
Other compounded options are available in lozenges, and for progesterone, capsules can be made. Estrogen is widely recommended topically. Testosterone is not recommended in pill form.
Dr. Miller orders specifically the hormone mg each patient needs for testosterone for men, or testosterone and estradiol for women. The pellets are surgically inserted by Dr. Ruth Miller. Most patients like to get reinsertions every 3-4 months.
For both men and women, Dr. Ruth Miller administers all hormone injections for patients at our Miller Health office. Injections too are based on each person’s needs. Some men get injections weekly or every 2 weeks. Women find every 2-3-week frequency works well.
Bioidentical hormones in Tulsa, Oklahoma, are most often prescribed to replace a person’s hormones when their levels decline due to aging, surgery, or imbalance. Dr. Miller is pleased to specialize in Oklahoma bioidentical hormones in Tulsa, OK, BHRT-bioidentical hormone treatment is available at Miller Health Bioidentical hormones in Tulsa, Oklahoma, are most often prescribed to replace a person’s hormones when their levels decline due to aging, surgery, or imbalance.
Dr. Miller is pleased to specialize in Oklahoma bioidentical hormones in Tulsa, OK, BHRT-bioidentical hormone treatment is available at Miller Health.
Bioidentical hormones in Tulsa, Oklahoma, are most often prescribed to replace a person’s hormones when their levels decline due to aging, surgery, or imbalance.
Hormone replacement is a major component of preventing osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis occurs in both men and women. Thinning of the bones can be minimized by taking appropriate hormone replacement and vitamin d3, plus vitamin k, boron, silicon, and magnesium. Calcium needs to be supplemented by 500-600 mg three times a day. The body can’t absorb it all at once. Adding weight bearing exercise like walking, adds to the prevention of osteoporosis. A dexa bone density analyzes bones painlessly to determine how strong the bones are. Fractures, or breaking bones, can often be avoided by taking hormones, weight bearing exercise, plus adequate vitamin d3 and calcium.
Adrenal gland production can be excessive or diminished. Both conditions cause fatigue, so testing properly is essential to appropriate treatment. The best test is a specialized saliva test that shows what the adrenal gland is doing at 4 different times of the day. Sometimes part of the time it can be high and at other times it may be low.
Dr. Ruth Miller orders the test and then treats the conditions with adrenal hormones or specific herbs. Her hormones replacement therapy Tulsa office are experts in the field.