Welcome ToMiller Health
2865 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74105 | 918-742-1996
Near 51st and Harvard north of I- 44. Turn West at the Q.T. on the service road that is one way. 4th building, white and one story.
Dr. Ruth Miller is pleased to specialize in Bioidentical Hormones and Biodentical Hormone Treatments in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
You will find Miller Health Clinic is one of the most caring Tulsa Family Medicine, Health, and Diet Clinics in the area. We offer full service options for Tulsa Medical Treatments, Weight Loss, Fibromyalgia Treatments, Aesthetic Medicine, Anti Aging, Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, Hair Restoration, Cosmetic Medicine, Bioidentical Hormone Pellets, and Preventative Medicine in Tulsa. Dr. Miller embraces certain treatment options that are alternates or expansions of the traditional practices of Tulsa Cosmetic, Thyroid, and Tulsa Weight Loss Doctors.

Dr. Ruth Miller
Why Choose Us?
MILLER HEALTH CLINIC also offers a full service for the medical concerns of all ages and all problems. This family medicine clinic treats a wide spectrum of illnesses and diseases, but treatment is not limited to helping sick people.
Preventative medicine and promoting health is a big emphasis as we strive to help our patients be as well as possible.